Saturday, January 9, 2016

The High Priest(ess)

The first three cards of the Major Arcana from The Fountain Tarot. I've been anxiously awaiting their arrival and they finally came home Wednesday. The art on every card is gorgeous and it's a seventy-nine card deck. The seventy-ninth card being The Fountain, a card created as a result of the inter-contentedness that social media and the internet has brought together - allowing for more people between religions and ethnic origins, witches, Druids, Shamans, and such an incredible spectrum of people to come togther and share what makes them, them. 

"The fountain card is the eternal context beyond human experience
in which anything and everything can happen" 
Jason Gruhl - The Fountain Tarot Guide Book

As I've already spent some time with The Fool, I will say this. I often feel connected, but at the same time, jealous too. The beginning innocence of starting out, the adventure that lies ahead with all its unending potential, the lack of people that are their to drag him or her down, along with a supporting cast there to lead the Fool along."

There are a few new things I've noticed with this deck then ones I have previously used. One particular thing, and I'm overjoyed by it, is the fact that I can find my characters I identify with in the cards, such as ones based off my own creations or ones I have a strong attachment too whether in books or media. With the Fool, I even made note of this whilst journaling, is that within the Fool, I saw one of boy's. I saw him before he feel apart, and I saw him where he is at in his own journey, making up for the bad he's done and trying to just generally be a better person.

It must sound silly, but with reading tarot and writing for it, my creativity has been sparked and it would seem a shame that my characters didn't get to thrive through it as well.

That's why I've entitled this post the high priest(es), because it is inspired by a male character by the name of Gary, but it is usually the priestess depicted reading the tarot cards and or a crystal ball... Now it's Gary seeing himself in the card, or this time it's myself as the High Priestess with Gary pictured on my cards.

Anyways, just a bit of rambling inspired my love for my brand new cards and a rekindled passion for writing.

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