Monday, June 13, 2016

The Great Gatsby: A Book Review

I finally read The Great Gatsby!

My friend had loaned me the book after my confession I had not read it yet. Upon that, my high school was not one for really getting into the books that everyone seems to read in school. Yes, I missed out on a lot of Shakespeare too. Though, there are a few that I did get to read in school and that have stuck with me, such as, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Night by Elie Wiesel (an amazing man whom I actually got to meet).

Let me say this, I had some frame of mind as to what I was expecting from The Great Gatsby, and it seriously fell short. I’m not saying it was a bad read, absolutely not, I rather enjoyed it, I guess I expected it to read as if I were watching the exciting bits of the film, The Wolf of Wall Street. What with the glamour and the parties, and Leonardo DiCaprio being irresistibly charming and sexy.

So yes, I fully expected Gatsby to always have champagne in his hand and his yacht always at the ready. While the book mentioned the parties, it was more about the romances, or lack thereof. By the end of the book, I only liked the man telling the story, Nick Carraway who seemed to be Gatsby’s one and only true friend. Honestly, the book over all is a bit disheartening in that way.

You’re rich, you have parties, everyone wants to be around you, and then, no one wants to be around you at all. I guess in that way, society is still finicky and many people are still that fake. I wonder if I would have felt the same about the world in 1925 as I do now – wanting it to implode and take us all out already…  Yes, I know, it’s awfully dark, and things could be so much worse in the world, but I think a lot goes without saying, and I’m tired of all the bull, and with this story I’m trying to write, I feel like things would be much more beneficial without the human race.

Quick side note, but I actually refused to believe Gatsby was dead until his father had shown up and was pretty much crying over him.

I’m not really sorry if that’s a spoiler, I’m probably one of the last few who hasn’t read this book. I wish I had seen the movie so I could compare it, alas, it’s not on Netflix, but when it is, or when I do finally see it, I have every intention of nitpicking every little detail, right or wrong. 

Let's Talk About Love

Last night it was my absolute pleasure to watch the Tony Awards hosted by James Corden, and let me tell you, I went into it only wanting to see anything that had to do with Hamilton because I don’t watch awards shows. However, the Tony’s were exceptionally different than any other show and brought tears to my eyes between the performances and my own nostalgia.

                If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I’m latest post, I talked about growing up and being a theatre kid. Theatre and band were passions, but when I moved from the boonies to the city, and changed schools not once, but twice, band and theatre weren’t high on the list of activities that schools offered. Band went first, no one had a music program, and then theatre, which in my high school was a joke.

We had two performances that first year and I had been in one. The teacher who took over doubled as the Physics’ teacher, whose class I was not particularly good in. The students who made the cut, were all her A+ students and their closest friends. I know I seem dramatic but it was true. The entire clique, and I was devastated and heartbroken. Not long after, my best friend, who had been my friend for years, who lived across the street from me, stabbed me in the back and before long I was the outcast I had always been.

I stopped talking for the most part, I started cutting and people always thought I was in a good mood because they couldn’t read my facial expressions. I got good at not caring, and even better at lying.

Even before I moved to the city, the school I went to was a great school, but everyone that went there had money, very few of us didn’t and I was one of them. It probably didn’t help I never came out of the hoodies either, but even being a little girl in elementary school and then middle school, I was self-conscious, I always had friends but they always had a better friend, and I was completely aware of it.

By the time I was a senior in high school, they were just introducing AP classes, and yes, while I was able to get into a few colleges, it wasn’t enough. I still didn’t have the grades I wanted (I was a B average) or the funds to really get me anywhere. I will forever say high school was the worst time of my life.

If there was one thing I learned while watching the Tony’s, it was that theater is so diverse, the people, cast and crew, came from all over and from every sort of upbringing, and my heart absolutely aches to be part of something like that.

Anyone watching who didn’t tear up watching Lin-Manuel Miranda reading a sonnet to his wife and speaking from the heart about love, especially went the events that happened in Orlando over the weekend has no soul. And this is coming from the woman who is often joked about not having one myself.

Let this blog post be a testament to the fact I do have one. One that people just get to see on very rare occasions if I let them see it at all. I have been hurt, burned and broken, and if duct tape was metaphysical just as it is literal, then I am wrapped up in it, mummified if you will.

I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, and have done whatever I could for whoever my partner was at the time, but this last time around, I didn’t think there was any coming back from it. It took me along the lines of a year to be able to get out of bed and just be okay with myself. To be okay with the fact I left someone behind, I left three years of my life behind and was starting over, well, except for a lot of the debt that came with me.

However, along with the debt and the heartbreak, came some good. I was able to buy a new car and stop trying to fix the beaters I was driving. I was making friends, reading tarot within a brilliant online community and slowly starting to write again. Oh, and I’m back in school! I had given up so many passions because of the man I was with, that it shocked me, and I felt silly when I started doing things again. To top things off, I do have that best friend, and without her, I don’t think I would have had the courage to leave my now ex, or have had the confidence to move on. She’s a lovely young woman with her shit together and I still don’t think she knows how inspiring she is to me. She’s the reason I know who and what Hamilton is, and without either of them, I would not be tearing up and writing this post!

Lin’s sonnet took my heart and did something with it I cannot describe in words, but I think I’m ready to believe in love again, and if I leave this world without being part or something big and magical, then I’ve seriously lived this life wrong. I may be twenty-six in a few months, but I think I’ve still got some time. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Some Planner Love

Phew! Talk about a way to spend a Saturday afternoon… and no, I’m not talking about extreme sports or anything, though, that would be insanely fun, and way out of my league. No, I’m talking about completing class assignments for the first time in almost seven years. Haha, I know, not funny, right? However, it is the truth and I’m feeling quite a bit proud of myself. So what if the test let me have multiple attempts to score ALL the points, you better believe I was going to take it. In all seriousness though, going back to school has been a long time coming, and so has this blog post.

I’ve been nervous all week about this class starting, even more so once I logged in and realized that people had already begun posting discussion topics and I didn’t have a clue what was going on! Well, I suppose that’s not entirely true as I spent some time on the phone the other day with my Academic Advisor who showed me how to do lots of things – I’m kind of the deer in headlights type, and definitely get bent out of shape before anything has actually, really, happened.

So, there’s an assignment and a quiz behind me and I’m already feeling a lot better about things. Plus, to make sure I keep up with things, I went out and splurged on a Happy Planner! Believe me when I say I could spend ridiculous amounts of money on their site! I actually had gone to Michael’s because there was no way in hell I was going to Walmart to try and find a planner, I know what their stock looks like, and it just wasn’t worth the drive, albeit a short drive, but a shitty one. So, Michaels was the choice, but I had no idea they’d have the Happy Planner’s in stock so after multiple attempts of trying to talk myself out of one, well, obviously I brought home anyway.

I also bought cute stickers and little paper pockets yes for the planner, but they screamed for my Travelers Journal as well, and I cannot leave that beauty hanging, now can I?

If it’s not clear by now, I’m absolutely addicted to cute journals, stationary and just about anything leather bound. I know there are a lot of people out there who can turn their planners into an artful masterpiece, and though I am not one of them, I still love them all the same, and it’s really nice to have some quality pieces myself now.

I cannot help but say I look forward to my first class in years, to putting use to this planner and really making it a part of me, and being able to actually travel with my Traveler’s Journal.